Honi Pein’s Speech
Naomi, thank you for your lovely speech and for helping me today. I cannot find the words to describe how we get on, but I am sure that anyone in the room who has a sister will understand! Naomi, you laugh at all my jokes, even when I am not being funny, you let me put your make up on and you always let me borrow your things. Thank you for always being there for me. Please come up and get this present that I have chosen for you. I hope you like it.
Its so wonderful to have all my friends and family here to share this special transition in my life. Thank you for coming yesterday to hear my Dvor Torah a part of which was about my late Grandmother Linda, Dads Mum, who I never met, but set an example of determination that I will try to follow. I am sorry that she cannot share this day with us but I am very grateful to have my other grandmother, Rosalind here today, who is always there for me, giving me my pocket money, looking after me when I am ill and telling me funny jokes. Nanny, I have a special gift for you to thank you for all your support.
Please don’t get up, I will bring it to you.
As you would have heard yesterday, my family is of major importance in my life.
You have already seen how supportive Naomi is.
Dad, you constantly provide me with random acts of kindness, bringing me breakfast in bed, running errands and educating me about football and Liverpool culture. Mum, you have been in the background for all of today, you didn’t want to make a speech, you didn’t want to wear anything that outshone me and you have told everyone that I did everything. Really you have been behind the scenes sorting this all out and arranging everything for the last 2 years. This is how it is at home, my mum does everything, but lets us all shine because of her hard work. Thank you mum and dad so much for always being there for me in the back ground helping me to be my best and letting me shine.
Mum and Dad please accept these 2 small gifts and remember mum, sharing is caring .
I love our big family get togethers with my grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins and I am really happy that my cousins were able to participate by doing some toasts earlier on in the evening.
Daisy and Molly, Natasha, Tammy and Jonathan, please come and get these gifts of thanks I have for you.
Now I have a confession to make. Before I went to senior school, people who knew me may have noticed that I was a bit moody, and people accepted that my natural face was a frown. This has all changed with becoming friends with Sarah, Georgina, Anthara, Francesca and Amira. Thank you so much for making my school days so enjoyable. I know that people now describe me as being smiley and happy all the time and although I really was in junior school, now it shows on my face!
Please can you come over to accept these gifts of thanks.
Isabel knows me best of all though!
Isabel, we have been constant friends for such a long time that I cannot remember a time that we weren’t.
I was so sad that you left NLCS but somehow it seems to have cemented our friendship and I am sure that we will stay friends for ever and I look forward to our children having play dates together.
Isabel, I have something for you, to thank you for your speech and constant friendship.
Family and friends, thank you again for joining me today. I hope that you have as much fun tonight as I intent to.
This speech was the centre of the most amazing and moving Batmitzvah I have ever been to. Thank you so much for enabling us to share this special time with you.